You will definitely like this method of growing geranium seedlings!

Growing geraniums is a very simple and interesting occupation. There are several important aspects in this process, thanks to which the seedlings are beautiful, the bushes become rich and bloom profusely. Today we want to give you information about it!

It is believed that pinching geraniums is absolutely necessary to obtain rich and beautiful plants. It consists of breaking the growth point of the plant, which can be done manually, with the help of a knife or a small pair of scissors (for example, nail clippers). It is also interesting to note that the portions obtained by pinching can be rooted and transformed into new plants!


-a knife or shears;

-200ml plastic cups;

-Universal substrate;

-a bețișor;

-rooting stimulator;


-a complex mineral fertilizer.


1.Do I know what to do? After the seedling has grown long enough (its central stem will be 5-6 cm tall and the number of leaves will be around 10), break or cut the growing point and a portion of its central stem, leaving a stem approximately 3-4 cm tall.

2.As a result, you get a pinched seedling and a cutting with 5-7 leaves. From the pinched stem of the seedling, several new shoots will develop, thanks to which you will get a fluffy bush.

3.You can root the resulting cutting, remove the lower leaves with scissors or a knife, leaving only 2-3 leaves.

4. Then, if desired, soak it in a rooting stimulator.

5.Cut a 1-2cm portion of the mouth of a plastic cup and don’t forget to make drainage holes in the bottom. Then fill it with the substrate and make an indentation in the center using a stick or pencil. Insert the cuttings into the hole obtained, pressing the soil well around it (in this way its base will be completely covered and it will gain stability).

6. Water the substrate around the cuttings with standing water.

7. Then take a whole glass and cover the cuttings with it to get a mini greenhouse.

8. Within 10-14 days the cuttings develop roots, which are excellently visible through the transparent walls of the glass. This way, you will get a new plant from the pinched top of a seedling.

9. This is what the seedling looks like 14 days after pinching:

It has developed 7 new shoots. If the seedling shows so many shoots, cut some of them, leaving only 3-4. Otherwise they will be too thick, shade each other and fight for nutrients.

10.This is what a developed shoot looks like after pinching the seedling:

It can be rooted exactly like the stem obtained after the first pinching. If you pinch 2-3 more shoots to thin them, you will get a few new plants.


1. On the day of pinching, do not water the plants. Water can get on the cut, causing it to rot.

2. We want to reveal another secret: it would be better to pinch geraniums when their soil is relatively dry. If, for example, you watered them today, pinch them in 2-3 days.

3. After 1-2 days after pinching fertilize the geraniums, using a complex fertilizer.

4. Geraniums do not like to be sprayed or watered too much.

Happy gardening!