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Mini homemade mosquito trap, very easy to make

Why do mosquitoes bite some people and not others?

Even if it’s hard for you to believe, the    sweetness of your blood    has nothing to do with it. According to a     study published    in the Royal Society, it is the high levels of carbon dioxide that attract mosquitoes and midges. You may feel changes,    especially when you exercise.

They can also be attracted by the smell of sweat, especially if this secretion contains large amounts of lactic acid or ammonia.

How do you build a mosquito trap?


  • 50 grams of sugar
  • 1 tablespoon yeast
  • 1 cup of water
  • 1 plastic bottle
  • Scissors
  • Plastic bag
  • tape


Step 1

Place water, sugar and yeast in a bowl. Mix very well. Separately cut the bottle in half with scissors. The mouthpiece part serves as a lid and should be turned upside down.

2nd step

Fill the bottle with the concoction you have prepared. Place tape around the edge to seal. Next, wrap the trap in a plastic bag and place it in a corner of your room    .

With this homemade mosquito trap you will have peaceful nights and no more rashes in the morning.