Water with garlic to fertilize orchids!

Garlic water is the ideal fertilizer for orchids. Thanks to her, they become stronger, greener, develop harmoniously and bloom profusely and for a long time. Water with garlic can be used to fertilize all houseplants: it also helps fight fungal diseases and many parasites. We recommend you try it! Your plants will thank you!


-3 liters of stagnant water;

-6-8 large cloves of garlic.


1.Pour the standing water into a 3-liter jar.

2.Finely chop the garlic with a knife. To release more juice, you can press it well with the knife before chopping it.

3.Add finely chopped garlic to the standing water.

4.Cover the jar with a lid and place it in a warm, bright place. Leave the garlic to infuse for 24 hours.

5.Then filter the solution obtained.

6. Water the orchids with it once every 10-14 days, when their substrate dries out. You can also alternate watering with plain water and garlic water.

Happy gardening!