Throw walnuts into the pot with bay leaves: what happens 5 minutes after cooking

Putting walnuts in a pot with bay leaves after a few minutes has an amazing effect. Here’s what happens.

On our tables we find dried fruits, especially during the Christmas holidays, which can also be found all year round and walnuts are among the most common.
These are very popular and also essential in the diet because they contain many nutrients that develop energy and through the contribution of Omega 3 , in addition, due to their similarity, they also seem to serve the memory and the brain.

Walnuts: That’s why they should be cooked with bay leaves
Walnuts are products that many animals are also greedy for, just think of how in many animated films and some comics there are cute little animals that tend to get a few nuts.

In addition, its use is useful not only for food but also for other tasks. There are many gardeners who tend to use the peel of this fruit to make the plants grow lush.

Walnuts – that’s why they are cooked with bay leaf
They put them on the ground to deter mosquitoes from approaching and to absorb moisture, but grind them together with dried banana peels so that they act as a natural fertilizer.
But there is another secret that will save us from a problem that often happens to many people, and for this we have to make a mixture with nuts and other ingredients, including bay leaves.

The natural method
First we take a pot of water and let it boil for a few minutes with the walnuts in it and then add some bay leaves and then some cinnamon.

When everything starts to boil, add a spoonful of apple cider vinegar and bring the mixture to a boil for a few more minutes, then turn off the heat and let it cool.

Once the liquid has reached room temperature, it is poured into a glass jar using a strainer and left to rest for a few days before using.

Walnuts – that’s why they are cooked with bay leaf
Once this is done, we take the liquid and sprinkle it on our head. This will help us fight hair loss and baldness since the properties of these ingredients tend to strengthen the skin.
This is because walnuts are rich in vitamin B5, which, among other things, accelerates hair growth by slowing the appearance of white hair, and they are also rich in selenium.

This element is essential for people suffering from dandruff as it prevents and tends to reduce it, while laurel tends to strengthen the scalp and hair root and stimulate growth.

Cinnamon, on the other hand, acts as a dilator vessel and therefore tends to increase blood pressure, as does apple cider vinegar, which cleanses the hair follicles by having an antiseptic and disinfectant effect.

In this way we have obtained a completely natural and effective hair treatment.