This is the only way to make your orchid bloom all year round: never before so abundantly

Orchids are ubiquitous in homes around the world. Its understated elegance offers an easy addition to any interior design, whilst adding a touch of greenery that livens up the atmosphere.

Even novice gardeners are drawn to orchids, assuming that their unpretentious appearance means ease of care.

These plants are often used as gifts on various occasions and may require more care than they appear.

To keep them thriving, using eggshells can be a helpful resource. Let’s take a look at how to properly care for these seedlings.

Eggshells to Heal Orchids
It goes without saying that the term “orchid” is a broad name that encompasses a variety of beautiful flowers. Among these, Paphiopedilum deserves special mention.

This variety is particularly distinguished by its beautiful leaves and usually produces one or two large, long-lasting flowers of different colors.

The lifespan of a flower can be extended or shortened depending on your preferences. Under favorable conditions, they can bloom for up to two months.

Proper watering is essential, and although these plants do not require excessive amounts of light, consistent watering is crucial.

In winter you need to think about reducing maintenance, while in summer, when temperatures are higher, it is essential to maintain an intensive care routine.

Eggshells can be a real asset for orchid lovers. Orchids tend to be picky when it comes to acidic substrates, and that’s where eggshells come into play.

Therefore, avoid throwing away used eggshells, as they are an excellent source of calcium and can help neutralize acidity.

Simply grind the shells into a fine powder and add seven grams per liter of substrate to ensure optimal orchid growth.

How to make fertilizer for your orchid
One method is to recycle eggshells as a natural fertilizer, crumbling them and spreading them among the plants.

When they gradually dissolve, the soil is filled with calcium, which has a positive effect on plant growth.

To repel slugs that bother the plant, crushed eggshells can be sprinkled at the base of the orchid.

Another option is to air dry the eggshells and then grind them into a fine powder.

This version of eggshell fertilizer can be sprayed directly around orchids or added to the soil when planting.

Its effectiveness is particularly pronounced in potted plants.

Another alternative method of obtaining fertilizer from eggshells is to create a suitable solution for watering our plants.

Water the orchids
To do this, pour boiling water over the eggshells and let the mixture rest for about an hour, stirring occasionally.

Once the eggshells are dissolved, the liquid fertilizer is ready to use. Before use, it is recommended to shake the solution to ensure proper mixing.

For best results, apply eggshell fertilizer directly to the soil around the plant or spray the mixture on orchids.