There are six herbs that are easy to grow in water all year.

It is easy and doesn’t require soil to grow plants in water, which makes it perfect for growing herbs indoors. Please find below a step-by-step guide on how to start adding fresh flavors to your food and plants to your home.

Getting Going
Cutting Twigs: Pick twigs from a fully grown, healthy plant. Pick out young branches that are about 15 cm long. Take off the leaves that are close to the base to help the roots grow and keep the water from getting moldy.
Getting the Container Ready: Put the food in a pot, a glass bottle, or even a plastic bag. A piece of paper or fabric should be placed over the area where the roots will grow to shade them and stop algae from growing. The neck of the pot should be narrow enough to hold the branch but not so narrow that it stops the roots from growing.
Taking care of water: At first, change the water every week. When white roots appear after 2 to 6 weeks, you don’t have to change the water as often.
Six plants that can grow in water
Rosemary: Pick young twigs because they root more quickly than older, tougher ones. Put the pot somewhere sunny in your house.
Sage: Cut twigs in the spring and put them in water. Sage can grow mold, so keep them somewhere light and airy.
Mint is one of the herbs that grows best in water. Put a few twigs in a jar and fill it with water.
Tarragon: To grow it in water, take a few branches when the new growth starts to show up in the spring. Keep somewhere warm and sunny. When you cook, French tarragon is great, but when you make salads, Russian tarragon is better.
Basil: Basil grows well in water too. Cut the stems off before they flower and put them somewhere bright.
Peppermint grows roots quickly in water.
These herbs not only make your food taste better, but they also add a touch of nature to your home, making them the perfect addition to any room.

Water gardening is a fun and rewarding way to grow your own herbs. Plus, it’s a great way to make sure you always have fresh, fragrant, and tasty herbs. Why not give it a shot and start your own herb garden inside today? Have fun growing!