Healthy seeds are the guarantee of quality seedlings. It would be better to use eggplant seeds, the age of which has not exceeded 4 years. Before sowing it is necessary to check the germination capacity of the material.
First choose and remove the naked, non-viable seeds. To do this, dissolve a spoonful of salt in a liter of warm water and immerse the seeds in the resulting solution. The empty “boxes” remain and float on the surface of the water, and the “promising little ones” sink to the bottom.
Eggplants are unpretentious plants. Therefore, it would be better to accelerate their development, using any rooting stimulator you have at hand (Radistim, Razormin, etc.). In this case, you don’t have to improvise, but strictly follow the instructions on the package.
Please note! Aloe vera juice can be used as a “popular” rooting stimulant. Place the leaves of this plant in the refrigerator for about 6 hours. Then squeeze the juice through a piece of gauze and soak the eggplant seeds in it for 24 hours. After this time, the seeds must be washed, dried and sown or stored in a damp cloth for another 2 days.
Usually, prepared seeds germinate. To produce it, they are placed on a damp cloth in a warm place for 3-4 days. You can replace the cloth with cotton wool pads or paper napkins (as examples). After the seeds have swollen and started to grow, you can sow them.
Only for the seedlings can be found in specialized magazines prepared without a stand. Optimal composition:
-o part of the sun in the stratul superficial to the steps;
-2 parts of the disturbance released;
-2 parts humus;
-just a “drop” of wood ash.
To reduce the risk of plant diseases, water the prepared substrate with warm water or concentrated warm solution of potassium permanganate.
Please note! The containers chosen for planting seeds must be disinfected beforehand: for example, they can be treated with a solution of potassium permanganate.
Containers for growing aubergine seedlings should have a volume of approximately 250 ml. In each container sow 3-4 seeds at a depth of about 1 cm.
Usually, the first shoots appear 10-14 days after planting. If the containers are covered with film, the process is faster. The plastic must be removed with the appearance of the first shoots.
After it has developed a little, the seedlings should be thinned out: only one specimen is left in the bush or pot, the healthiest and strongest.
Important! In no case do not tear off excess seedlings from the ground, as this way you can damage the roots of the plants, which you decided to keep. It would be better to break the stems of the weakest shoots close to the ground.
If you do everything correctly, in a short time your seedlings will become healthy and strong. And then the first appetizing aubergines will follow!
Happy gardening!