In addition to decorating interior spaces and giving them an aesthetic touch, plants perform a function that is sometimes underestimated or ignored: they are ideal for purifying the air< a i=2> .
However, not all plants purify the air in the same way. When it comes to filtering pollutants , some are more effective than others.
In 1989, NASA conducted a study to determine which plants are best suited to carry out this mission in an enclosed space, such as that of our homes.
The study took into consideration the different polluting compounds present in our homes, the characteristics of the plants and the ease of finding them on the market.
Among the most effective and economical plants, Pothos undoubtedly stands out ( Epipremnum aureum ). A very well known and widespread plant in our homes.
Pothos is very resistant and does not require much care, which is why it is used to decorate offices and shopping centers.
Pothos is very effective at absorbing substances such as formaldehyde, xylene and benzene.