The best tips for growing onions in pots and without limits

Growing onions in pots can be a rewarding and easy-to-grow experience. Learn how to grow onions in containers below, including sunlight requirements, soil level requirements, the time it takes to grow a good crop of onions from pots, and the best onion varieties that thrive in small spaces.

Is it for growing beautiful onions in pots? Certain !

Onions are one of the most versatile vegetables to grow in containers. They can be grown indoors and outdoors. They require little growing space as their roots don’t spread out too far for nutrients. They produce well with less attention than other plants, and you will likely get a better yield by growing  onions in pots  instead of growing them in the ground.

People are often surprised by the amount of vegetables such as carrots, pumpkins, potatoes, green vegetables, herbs, etc. they grow well in pots. You can create a complete and robust garden without having access to soil. You can even grow small fruiting shrubs like blueberries and raspberries in containers. So don’t let space limit your ability to grow your own food and learn all the tricks for growing onions in pots below.

What are the advantages of growing onions in pots?

You can control the amount of sunlight your onions receive. If they are growing in a container and you don’t want them to grow that quickly, place the pot in a shaded area to slow the process.
Collecting from containers couldn’t be easier. No need to dig in a muddy yard, get dirty, take out tools or move through the ground. Your onions will tear easily from containers, making harvesting quick and clean.
The ability to grow onions in containers means it is a viable option even for those with limited land or space.

What are the disadvantages of growing onions in pots?

One disadvantage is that growing onions in containers may not produce large onions because they don’t have enough room to grow.
Keep an eye on watering your containers because if you don’t water them enough, they can get too hot and become susceptible to mold.
Containers can also dry out very quickly in the summer heat, which will stress your onion plants. Stressed plants are more susceptible to pests and diseases.

How to plant onions in the garden?

Start onion seeds indoors at least 8 weeks before planting. Or buy onion sprouts at the nursery.

Plant them 2cm deep and at least 5cm apart in a container with drainage holes in the bottom.

Add soil around the roots as they grow. When the tops of the onions are about 6 inches tall, add more growing mixture to cover the growing tips of the onions slightly above soil level, if necessary.

What size pot do I need for my onion plants?

Container size is important when growing onions. A vase with a depth of at least 18 cm and a width proportional to the height will do. Onion heads should not touch each other during growth, but be separated by 5 cm or more.

Onion plants can reach a height of 90 cm; choose containers large enough to accommodate the growing plant.

What type of soil should I use to grow my onions?

Soil requirements are the next key to growing onions, with the right soil your container grown onions will thrive.

Sandy loam soil is the best type of soil for growing onion. It should contain plenty of organic matter and not be too heavy with clay or sand.

To create sandy loam soil at home, add a generous amount of compost, peat moss and sand to your potting mix.

How Much Sun Do Container Grown Onions Need?

To get a good crop of onions, they need at least six hours of sunlight per day. You can grow them in a shady location, but make sure they get at least four hours of afternoon sun.

Note: Onions grown in shade may not grow as large.

How much water do onions need?

Onions growing in containers should be watered every other day.

To help prevent soil compaction, you can place mulch around the base of the pot or add some river rocks to the bottom of the pot to aid drainage.

Note: If you grow onions outdoors in containers, be sure to check them daily on hot days. Containers can dry out very quickly. You may need to water containers daily during extreme heat.

onions in jar

What are good onion varieties for container growing?

Many varieties of onion cultivars grow well when grown in a container, but the most popular is the red creole. This type of onion has been specifically bred to grow well in container style gardens.

Other cultivars that work well in containers are Golden Creole, The Walla Walla Sweet Onion and Sweet Spanish White.

If you want to grow another type of onion, make sure it says “container grown” on the plant label when purchasing from your local nursery or garden center.

How long does it take for onions to grow in containers?

Growing time for onions in containers can vary depending on the variety and growing conditions.

Onions grow fastest from spring to early summer, so you need to make sure your container gets plenty of sun during this time.

Most onions take 90 to 120 days to grow from bulb to harvest.

You can also harvest green onion sprouts during the growing season. Make sure you leave at least 5 inches of green growth on your onion plants.

How long does it take before onions are ready to harvest?

Onion growing time varies from cultivar to cultivar, but it usually takes four to six months before you can harvest your onion crop!

How to Harvest Your Container Grown Onion Crop

You’ll know your onions are ready to harvest when the leaves yellow and fall off, but be sure to check them every other day.

Once you have harvested your onions, let them dry in a ventilated place for a few days before storing them.

How long can you store harvested onions?

You can store harvested onions for up to six months in a dark, cool environment.

Please keep them in an open container to avoid condensation forming on the onions. Condensation will cause mold and rot.

It would be best to keep harvested onions separate from other vegetables and fruits.

I hope this guide gives you the confidence to grow onions in your patio or garden. It is up to you !