Renewing the ancient violet and stimulating its abundant flowering!

The renewal of the violet consists in “refreshing” its roots, removing excess leaves and providing a new substrate rich in nutrients.

There are 2 methods to rejuvenate purple. One of them is more radical, although it is also quite simple and always effective. The second is slightly more delicate, but equally useful for the plant. Choose the one you like best.


1. First choose the old violets whose external appearance you want to restore. For this purpose you need the substrate prepared in advance (soil or perlite), pots, material suitable for drainage, water, scissors and a knife that are necessarily clean and disinfected with sanitary alcohol. So let’s get started. The plant does not need to be removed from the pot. Just take the scissors and cut the viola at the base of the stem, a little above the level of the substrate.

2. Then carefully tear off the lower rows of leaves, until you have a symmetrical and beautiful rosette of young leaves. If you wish, you can not throw away the broken leaves, but root them later, so that you get new plants. Take the knife and clean the “lignified” layer of the stem, as if cleaning a carrot. Finally, renovate the bottom section.

3. Prepare the substrate for rooting the violet. You can use a pot with substrate or a glass of boiled and cooled water or perlite. It would be better to choose perlite, as this material retains water well and is almost sterile. The rooting rate in it is absolute (100%), while in soil or water there is a high risk of stem rot.

Planting the plant in wet perlite (or other substrate of your choice), place the container with it in a plastic bag and tie it tightly. In this way, the greenhouse effect will be created, which is necessary for the plant in this period.

4.In about 3 weeks the violet will form a fairly strong root system and will be ready to be transplanted into a pot with new substrate.


1.To rejuvenate the viola with the help of the other method, remove the plant from the pot with the substrate. Therefore it is necessary to thoroughly clean the root system from the soil, which is already devoid of nutrients. To get a better result, you can also wash the roots thoroughly in water.

2. Tear off the lower rows of leaves again and, as described above, remove the tough layer from the plant stem.

3.Please contact the purple substrate. Add the plant to the substrate, cover the roots with plenty of pearl, to prevent rot and ensure additional air.

Puneți violet în ghiveciul umplut pană 2/3 cu sol. Răsfirați rădăcinile ei și adăugați substrate, presărându-l in toate părțile. The scrub will take care of the viola base: for additional protection and while keeping the violet in mind. Afterwards, the three-layer substrate should be added to the lower level. Gata!

4.As a homemade mini plant greenhouse, you can use both plastic bags and an ordinary transparent box. Place vases with violets in it and cover it with cling film. Don’t forget to make small holes in the film so the plants can breathe.

After these procedures, violets will look clean and healthy again. Use these tips and your green “disciples” will delight your eyes. Success!

Happy gardening!