Put it on your plants: Fast and abundant flowering

Economical, edible, non-toxic and biodegradable, we cannot complain about baking soda, this product that we find difficult to do without. And for good reason, this white powder is suitable for multiple uses, both in the kitchen, as well as for cleaning and gardening.Ezoic

Baking soda has been shown to be useful for removing stains, whitening teeth, cleaning surfaces, and even removing pesticides. Its functions are diverse and baking soda adds another string to its bow. This is its use in gardening which is also very practical for many reasons.

10 uses for baking soda in the garden:


– Keep bugs away

To get rid of the insects that plague your garden, baking soda will be your main ally. Get out of chemical pesticides that are harmful to your health and the environment, and prefer this more ecological white powder. To do this, mix in a spray bottle, one liter of water, one tablespoon of olive oil, two tablespoons of baking soda and a few drops of liquid soap. Spray your garden with this mixture every three days to repel insects.

– Get rid of ants

Are your garden and house infested with ants? no panic. Mix five teaspoons of baking soda with five teaspoons of icing sugar and one tablespoon of water. Look for anthills and pour this mixture over them. You will say goodbye to annoying ants.

– Get rid of the worms

Cabbage worms can be problematic and prevent your vegetable from growing healthily. To remove them, simply mix equal parts flour and baking soda and sprinkle this mixture on the cultivated plants. You won’t see the worms anytime soon.Ezoic

– Clean the garden decoration

You all know the virtues of baking soda to clean the kitchen or bathroom. And your garden can benefit from its cleaning power, too. All you have to do is sprinkle the white powder on all the decorative objects in your garden and then wipe them with a damp cloth.

– Clean the leaves of the plants

Whether they are indoor or outdoor plants, you always have to pamper them. To give them a beauty session, you can clean their leaves with a mixture of water and baking soda. You will give them a healthy and shiny appearance.

– Improve the flavor of the garden

If you like organic farming, baking soda will help you grow healthier and tastier vegetables. And for good reason, taking the example of tomatoes and sprinkling a little baking soda on the soil, they will grow in less acidic soil and therefore be juicier and sweeter.

– Water the flowers

To water the flowers in your garden, don’t hesitate to add a little baking soda to your watering can. You will notice later that your flowers will be brighter and healthier.

– Increase the life of flowers

Si vous aimez avoir des bouquets de rose ou de fleurs chez vous à la maison pour profiter de leur senteur, vous pouvez améliorer leur apparence et accroître leur durée de vie en les mettant dans un vase d’eau additionnée à une pincée de sel et de sodium bicarbonate.

– Get rid of fungus and mold

With moisture, fungi can grow on plants. Recognized for its fungicidal quality, baking soda will help defeat mold. A study has also shown its effect on yeasts, dermatophytes and molds. Simply sprinkle water and baking soda on the infected areas.Ezoic

– Get rid of weeds

Weeds often lodge in the cracks of your garden path. To remedy this, simply moisten this area with a thick paste based on baking soda and that’s it. Say goodbye to weeds that make your garden look unkempt.