Purslane in the garden: 8 reasons not to kill it!

Purslane is a plant that grows in gardens as a weed. Most people tend to get rid of it as soon as it starts growing, however this plant offers many benefits that very few people know about. Here are 8 good reasons to grow purslane in your garden:

Purslane in the garden: 8 reasons not to kill it!
Purslane in your garden

Purslane is an annual herbaceous plant that forms tufts. It has long, trailing stems and is covered with small, soft, round, oily green leaves. Between July and October it is adorned with small yellow flowers. We taste the fresh leaves which have a slightly acidic and spicy flavour. It grows spontaneously in gardens in the south of France, but you can grow it in your own garden, or in a pot, if your soil isn’t suitable for it!

Purslane (Portulaca oleracea L.) extends its succulent stems, whose fleshy tissues are rich in water, at ground level in late summer. Mistakenly considered a weed, it is actually one of the oldest vegetable plants. Imported from the East by the Romans, then abandoned over time, it has naturalized in our gardens. Jean-Baptiste de La Quintinie, gardener to Louis XIV, had empirically understood the excellent nutritional properties of purslane and considered it a “healthy salad”. It is also a bioindicator plant, which means it provides information on the nature of the soil. If it is very present it is because the soil is too compact, lacks air and lacks calcium. Furthermore, it testifies to a dry substrate in summer and which has difficulty fixing the elements.

8 good reasons to grow purslane in your garden:


Purslane leaves are a good source of Omega-3, which is great fuel for the brain, prevents heart failure, and is a great treatment for depression. According to the life of mother earth, you can replace your green leafy vegetables in your dishes with purslane leaves. Use them to garnish your sandwiches, add them to soups, stews and especially to all your salads! Purslane has a peppery flavor and can sometimes be sour.

Contraindication:  Avoid consuming purslane during pregnancy, it allows the contraction of the uterine muscles.


Purslane is made up of 93% water. Consume this herb to replenish dehydrated cells.


Already in ancient Greece, purslane was used to calm inflammation of the skin but also of the mucous membranes. Purslane will also be effective in treating respiratory inflammation such as sore throat, but also urinary inflammation such as painful cystitis. Furthermore, purslane has diuretic properties.


Purslane is rich in vitamins A, C and E which are said to delay cell damage and slow skin aging.


Purslane leaves are also used to facilitate blood clotting.