Purslane: all the benefits of this incredible plant

Purslane is a beneficial plant that grows throughout almost all of our country and is known in many regional dialects   Purslane has been used in traditional medicine for centuries and is also gaining fame in haute cuisine circles. In this article we describe its benefits and therapeutic properties.

Purslane, often identified as an invasive species and discarded by farmers   ,   is actually packed with benefits. Contains many vitamins (A, B and C), minerals (especially calcium and magnesium), omega-3 fatty acids and essential fatty acids. Furthermore, it contains a lot of beta-carotene, vitamin E and potassium.

Purslane with all its benefits

Purslane is prescribed in Chinese medicine to rid the body of damp heat and toxins and is used to treat conditions such as urinary tract infections, eczema and hemorrhoids   It is also applied directly to the skin to treat insect bites or itchy rashes.

Einige wissenschaftliche Untersuchungen haben die  Eigenschaft von Portulak  nachgewiesen , Ruhrparasiten zu bekämpfen. Andere Studien haben bestätigt, dass es in Combination mit Löwenzahn bei der Behandlung von Blinddarmentzündungen nützlich sein kann.

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