Perhaps not everyone knows that it will be possible to propagate rose branches by planting everything directly in the sand. Here is the incredible discovery that we let you make.
The rose is one of the most loved flowers in the world. There are roses of all colors – red, pink, blue, yellow, white and many more. Each of these roses has its own beauty and can demonstrate a different feeling to show to a particular person.
Red roses, for example, can be given to your partner, to show all the love you feel. There are over 150 different species of roses in the world. A multitude of colors, all united by a single parameter: the incredible beauty of these flowers. In Italy alone, more than 30 different species of roses grow spontaneously.
As mentioned, roses are one of the most giving flowers in all parts of the world. Some of them have the meaning of love, while others express beauty, perfection, joy and friendship. Many people therefore personally grow roses, in order to beautify their outdoor space , whether it is a balcony or a garden.
In fact, roses are very beautiful to look at and increase the colors and vibrancy of your garden. Let’s find out an amazing method to propagate rose branches in sand . Here is the discovery that we make to our readers.
Rose branches in the sand – this is how new roots can grow
The best times to grow roses are spring and fall. From seed, however, the best time will be January.
They need soil rich in nutrients and capable of avoiding dangerous water stagnation. Roses should be watered at the base only when the soil is particularly dry. Pruning is also important, as it will allow the new buds to develop better.
Roses can be grown both in pots – provided they are very deep – and in the ground . In this second case, it will be appropriate to plant the rose bushes at a depth of at least 5 centimeters and at a distance of approximately 60-70 centimeters from each other.
These, however, are the classic methods of growing roses and propagating their branches effectively. In this article, as already mentioned above, we want to draw the reader’s attention to another amazing way to take root and give birth to these amazing flowers .
Indeed, it will be possible to propagate the rose branches in the sand . Here’s everything you need to know about this incredible process.
The process of getting new roots
Inside a polystyrene box you will need to insert “clean” sand . Before proceeding, however, it will be essential to make a small hole under the box , in order to facilitate drainage and avoid dangerous stagnation of water. You can now place the sand inside the box. You will now plant all the rose branches inside the sand-filled box.
Once all these operations have been completed, all you have to do is water the container daily with sand and rose bush branches . After a month, you will notice how the plants have grown . Under each branch, in fact, new roots will have been generated.
As sand is very easy to find, this operation of propagating rose bush branches can really be practiced by everyone. To give birth to new rose bush roots, you can detach a few twigs from your plant and plant everything in a polystyrene box filled with sand.
All you need to do is water the soil regularly for new roots to grow. A truly astonishing discovery .