Many of us have heard about the benefits of using vinegar in the garden, mainly as a herbicide. But how effective is vinegar and what else can it be used for? Let’s find out more about how to use vinegar for the plants in your garden.
Vinegar works wonders with garden plants
We all know that vinegar is not just an ingredient for salads, to improve the taste, but also a household cleaning solution. Its uses do not stop there. Vinegar can also be of great help in the garden. Good thing it is cheap and useful for so many things.
Vinegar is a natural product, unlike commercial solutions. Besides being dangerous for health due to their chemical content, they are also expensive. Another reason to use vinegar in the garden.
Why it is so beneficial for plants and flowers
Vinegar is a very acidic substance, due to its acetic acid content. This natural product produces the same reactions when in contact with plants as in our body. Added to water to spray the plants or flowers in the garden, vinegar can do a good job. For example, some plants like rhododendrons and azaleas thrive in an acidic environment. Add a cup of vinegar to about four liters of water and put it in the soil of these plants.
What happens if you pour vinegar over the plants in the garden and wait a few days?
Here’s what happens if you pour vinegar over the plants in your garden and wait a few days. One of the most well-known uses of vinegar in the garden is the elimination of fungi on plants. Its effect is similar to that of baking soda, another cheap ingredient that can be confidently used on your plants.
Unlike baking soda, which increases the pH and creates an alkaline environment that prevents the multiplication of fungi, vinegar reduces it and forms an acidic environment that is also unfavorable to these microorganisms.
How should you proceed? Dilute a tablespoon of vinegar in two liters of water and apply the solution to the leaves twice a week and after it rains. You will see that the fungi on the plants have disappeared!
The Solution That Helps in the Harmonious Development of Roses
What else can you do with vinegar? Well, this acetic acid lowers the pH in the environment. In this case, you can use it to create a more acidic soil. Mix a cup of vinegar with 4 liters of water, then pour the solution onto the ground. This composition helps in the harmonious development of plants that need acidic soil, such as azaleas, roses, lavender, blueberries, and gardenias. Also, vinegar with water stimulates the release of iron from the soil, a mineral beneficial for garden plants.
Vinegar Has Another Role in the Garden That Many People Don’t Know
Vinegar in the garden can also act as a fertilizer for potted plants. Mix two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar with three liters of water, put the solution in a spray bottle, and spray over the plants. The results will be beyond expectations!