Planting petunias: instructions for beginners!

Petunias represent the spirit of summer. Currently, they are popular, thanks to decorative flower arrangements, which from early summer to late autumn decorate and balconies of apartments, offices and cozy cafes.


First, buy seeds of a cheap variety of petunias at the market or in specialized stores. And the items necessary for their cultivation can easily be found in any home.

You need:

-any plastic bottles with lids;

-a pair of scissors or a cutter;

-thin and clean tights;



– coconut fiber substrate (optional);


– medicinal carbune;

-food foils with plastic stings;


Profit modality:

1.You can add a 500 ml volume of plastic to the container to fit the final plantar. Let’s do this in 2 parts and introduce the upper part to the lower part, as shown in the picture below.

2. If you are a sea owner or Andrea Incins, make a mic orifice in the capacul style, so you can introduce the plug into it. The package is packaged as follows: a thin sheet of 5 mm thick, on the right, carefully wrapped on a flat sheet. This is necessary to remind you of the floor covering. Insert the plug into the orifice of the container, then carefully insert the thread into the style. Adjust the fit of the lens, as long as you look at the bottom of the stick.

3. Rupeți polystirenul expandat ìn bucățele mici and și fixați fitilul cu ajutorul them ìn parta îngustă a style. For this reason, you need to clean the polistiren, put a mic strat for draining.

4. In order to remove the hair above the fit, simply adjust it to the side of the tongue, as long as you get a layer of approximately 5 cm. Bătătoriți-l puțin și aranjați fitilul sub formă de inel to suprafața him. Never add a 3-4 cm margin above the top. Bătătoriți-l puțin cu lingura.

5. On top of the soil you can add another layer of coconut fiber substrate, into which the seeds are sown. This is done with the aim of protecting the sprouted seedlings from fungal diseases. But this condition is not mandatory.

6. Before planting seedlings, water the glass soil well. Taking the seeds with the tip of the toothpick, place them on the ground: 5 seeds are enough in a bottle. Next, water the soil with water poured into a container equipped with a sprayer.

7.Pour the water into the bottom of the bottle. So that you do not have to change it often, add 1-2 tablets of medicinal charcoal. Then cover the top of the bottle with cling film or simply a plastic bag.

8. When sowing petunias, if you often plant them, place them in a bright place, at a temperature of 23-28°C. After removing the star, there is a plastic sheet of plastic attached to it.

You may also need to repeat the procedure. The plant consists of replanting the plant in a container never before in one sea until it appears prime and properly grown. In the case of a pet, there is no shortage of watering, watering frequently. In the meantime, you can plant or sow petunias, economising in many places to plant them.

Once you have done everything correctly, in the moonlight you will never be able to transplant a pet into your gardener’s sea.

Try growing at least a couple of plants from inexpensive seeds using this method. Write us your experience in the comments: was the method successful, did you like applying it? Did you know that the scent of petunias scares mosquitoes and other insects?

Don’t waste time and sow the seeds immediately, so that May welcomes you with the beautiful madness of flowering petunias. We wish you successful cultivation and abundant flowering of your plants!

Happy gardening!