Obtain roses of any color you want by grafting them in this way

You can make the same rose bush bloom two different colors if you know how to graft them. Roses are one of the easiest plants to graft, and most bushes are made by grafting a certain color or type of rose onto a healthy, stronger rose. You can also get the color of a sick plant’s petals by grafting a healthy plant onto a sick plant’s stem. A scion is the stem of the rose you want to cross with a different color.

The best time of the year to graft

The time of year is the first thing to think about if you want to grow a rose or play around with them at home. Most of the time, this should be done in the summer, when the plant’s sap is running strong. You can also do it if you see that they grow quickly and look bright and healthy. Pay close attention, because we’re about to start attaching one step at a time.

Step 1

Use alcohol to clean the knife you’re going to use to cut the scions. During transplanting, this will help stop the spread of disease.

Step 2

Cut some stems off of the rose bush that you want to mix with other stems. This is known as gathering stems. Cut off a piece of the stem that has three buds on it. Cut the piece off of the top of the bottom bud and measure two buds up from the third one. This is where you should make another cut.

Step 3

Cut a „V” shape into the bottom end of the scion with a tool knife.

Step 4

Pick a rose stem with a hard center to use as a base. This plant strain should grow every two years. It won’t work to use new growths. Cutting the stem in half across the middle and off at the top will make it look better.

Step 5

Put the scion into the cut you made in the body of the rootstock. Put sticky tape around the graft and wrap it tightly. It should take four to six weeks for the graft to heal. To add more grafts to the base plant, do these steps again. These are the only roots that will grow the new rose colors.

Care after a transplant

  • For the first 15 days, they watered the grafted plants a lot and often, trying to keep the soil always wet.
  • Cutting off the first two or four buds from the stem until the plant is stable is suggested to help the graft stick together.
  • When the graft starts to grow, take off the tape by itself.
  • To keep them healthy, make sure you give them a base of smoke and compost.
  • Roses usually need room, air flow, and weather to grow well.

You have no reason not to graft and get beautiful colored roses now that you know how.

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