Mastering orchid propagation. How can you create a tropical atmosphere in a normal apartment?!

Orchids are a favorite of many housewives. These fascinating plants, native to the humid and warm tropics, can decorate both large homes and small urban apartments. Of course, the simplest is to buy them in specialized stores.

But if you also think this path is too easy, then today’s article is dedicated to you! There are several methods of orchid propagation: by cuttings, with the help of seeds, by dividing the bush or with floral rods. It is this last method that we will talk about today.


Only healthy, adult plants, at least 3 years old, are suitable for separating flower stems. Furthermore, they must have at least 4 leaves and well-developed roots. Spring is the best time for orchid propagation.


First of all, it is necessary to separate the flower stem. Disinfect a sharp knife and cut the stem with it, near the base of the plant. Its length must not exceed 14 cm.

It is recommended to grease the injured parts with a brilliant green solution (1:4 – one part brilliant green and 4 parts water). This must protect the plant from infections and subsequent consequences.

Place the sphagnum moss in a container and moisten it with water. Place the rod on it. Its tops must be bare: do not cover them with substrate.

In order for the substrate to positively influence the growth of the plant, process it with growth stimulator for orchids. By the way, in stores you can also find a special substrate for these plants.

It is important to create greenhouse conditions for orchids. To achieve this, plant the flower stem in a plastic container, which has small holes in some places and closes at the top.

Now place the container with the future plant in a room, where the temperature does not drop below 25°C. This way you will create the ideal combination of temperature and humidity.


Moisten the planted stem once every 3 days with the help of the sprayer with warm water. It would be better to place the future plant under a UV lamp. If you do not have such a lamp, place the container on a windowsill, which is not exposed to direct sunlight.

In just a month orchid chicks should appear. Then you can replant them in larger pots. And in 2-3 years those plants will delight you with their beautiful flowering.

And adult plants require systematic care. It is advisable to use garlic water for their irrigation, as it stimulates their growth. May your orchids grow and always enjoy you!

Happy gardening!