Hydrangeas: with just one spoon incredible results after just 24 hours!

Hydrangeas are considered the ornamental plants par excellence. We are probably talking about the most widespread in Italy. Their success is due, first of all, to the fact that they do not require particular care and that they have a long life with simple precautions; Furthermore, it resists cold and temperature changes in general very efficiently. But it is the colors of hydrangeas flowers that make them truly special. Having said that, what if we told you that you can get lots of hydrangeas starting from a sprig and using vinegar ? Continue reading to find out the details!

Hydrangeas: Can Vinegar Help?

As we have already mentioned, hydrangeas are exceptional because their flowers can embrace so many different shades. It must also be said that this plant has a very deep meaning, linked to fidelity between people and love. It is no coincidence that in some Asian countries it is still a symbol of loneliness and people avoid using it at home or giving it to engaged women. Having said that, how do you get a super hydrangea in just a few simple steps?

To make them beautiful and above all very healthy, hydrangeas can be cared for with ingredients we have at home. In particular we are talking about vinegar. This product can be used in the garden with excellent results. Why? Because it is able to counteract the action of many types of insects and is very useful for protecting orchids from aphids, fungi and various moulds. All dangers that can lead to the death of this magnificent plant.

In detail, vinegar is able to act on the PH of the soil where the orchid is planted, even if it shouldn’t be abused, because it would have a negative effect. We must be sure to have diluted the vinegar, perhaps pouring a couple of spoons into a container with at least 5-6 liters of water. At this point we can mix well and we can then pour the liquid into a container equipped with a nebulizer. The plant can be sprayed in all its height and structure, from the leaves to the stems.

We would also like to point out that in some cases the orchid may be deficient in iron ; to remedy this, it will be enough to use nails, to be placed in the ground, at the base of the plant, to provide it with all the nutrients necessary for proper growth. Hydrangea could also benefit from a nettle macerate, suitable for every plant and very economical. Try this method and let us know!