How to make an everlasting terrarium step by step

The  terrarium  is a container which, taking up the concept of an aquarium, houses a habitat for exotic animals or plants. In this article we explain how to prepare one, step by step.

The concept of  a terrarium  is simple: it is a  collection of small decorative plants , which grow in a closed environment. The container must be transparent, and have a large opening to allow access to the plants.

To  prepare a terrarium  you need: glass container, adhesive tape, small stones, activated charcoal, soil, medium-sized stones and seedlings.

As for the plants, they must be small enough to fit into the glass container. We suggest the use of  Tillandsia stricta ,  Pilea involucrata ,  Cyathus bivittatus ,  Fittonia verschaffeltii var. Argyoneura  and others of the succulent family.×280&×280&correlator=1370725789420&frm=20&pv=1&ga_vid=2012646977.1697438679&ga_sid=1697624396&ga_hid=1641159170&ga_fc=1&u_tz=120&u_his=1&u_h=768&u_w=1366&u_ah=728&u_aw=1366&u_cd=24&u_sd=1&dmc=8&adx=309&ady=1587&biw=1349&bih=651&scr_x=0&scr_y=0&eid=44759926%2C44759837%2C44759875%2C44785294%2C44805113%2C44805534%2C44805681%2C44805919%2C31078297%2C31078663%2C31078665%2C31078668%2C31078670&oid=2&pvsid=218732693576503&tmod=2096590007&uas=0&nvt=1&!2&btvi=2&fsb=1&xpc=4DnzxXckAu&p=https%3A//

Below we list the instructions on how to  prepare a horizontal or vertical terrarium  .

  1. Wash the glass container and stones to avoid the growth of fungi.
  2. Once dry, place tape over the opening of the container to prevent the soil from escaping. If you decide to give the terrarium a vertical orientation, you can skip this step.
  3. Place a thin layer of activated charcoal. It will help keep the water fresh and avoid bacteria.
  4. Place the small stones in the bottom of the container. They will be used for drainage.
  5. Place a first layer of soil, trying to cover the entire terrarium.
  6. Place the seedlings, choosing the arrangement that we consider most appropriate.
  7. Once the seedlings have been planted, their roots must be covered with soil. If you want to add moss, don’t use moss taken from nature.
  8. Complete the decoration with stones of different sizes.
  9. Spray water a couple of times to nourish the plants. The water will be recycled by the plants through respiration. Once this step is completed, the terrarium can be closed.

It is important to keep humidity levels under control. During the first few days the plant will still be adapting to the new environment, but after a week the excess humidity will need to be removed by wiping the glass with a cloth.