How to grow orchids in a pot: step by step guide

Orchids are among the most popular flowers in the world, due to their wide variety of shapes and colors, capable of giving a touch of elegance to interior spaces. Few people know that  orchids can also be grown in pots  : we explain how below.Ezoic

To  grow orchids in pots,  you need to start “thinking like them.” The golden rule to have healthy and flowering orchids is to faithfully reproduce their natural conditions. In nature, orchids are epiphytic plants, which grow on other objects such as tree bark or stones.

The orchids that we usually prefer to have at home are hybrids of  phalaenopsis  (the so-called moth orchids) or  dendrobium  .Ezoic

Optimal conditions for growing orchids.

Orchids thrive in low light, but not direct afternoon sunlight. They need lots of moisture and air flow around the roots.

These plants need dry periods, alternated with abundant watering. Orchids grow best at temperatures above 10°C but below 30°C.

The closer you get to these optimal conditions, the more likely your orchid will grow healthy and bloom profusely.Ezoic

Most orchids we buy in stores come packaged in cheap plastic pots, with their roots soaked in moss. Obviously, this condition does not respect two of the main rules for healthy growth.

The first is that there is no airflow around the roots. The second is a consequence of the first: the roots will never dry completely. Because of this, the plant cannot breathe and will almost certainly rot.

Orchid roots are organs that need to absorb water quickly and breathe. They do not extract nutrients from the soil.

Transplant orchids successfully

The first thing we do when we bring an orchid home from the store is enjoy its bloom. Never transplant a flowering orchid.

Once flowering is complete, cut the dead flower tip with sterile scissors and transplant your orchid.

Orchids should be placed in special pots, using a special orchid soil. Orchid pots have large drainage holes for water to flow.Ezoic

Orchid potting soil is usually made from several coarse-textured ingredients, such as pine bark, charcoal, and even Styrofoam. To transplant the orchid follow these steps:

  • Remove the orchid from the plastic bag and remove as much of the moss as possible, being careful not to damage the plant. Healthy roots should be white and firm, with a small green growing tip.
  • Trim any blackened, rotten or wilted roots.
  • Place the plant in the pot and fill with potting soil. The plant must be fixed to the ground, but not anchored. Over time, new roots will grow through the potting soil and attach to the pot.
  • Place your orchid plant near an east-facing window with a few hours of morning sunlight.
  • To give the plant the necessary moisture and collect excess water, place the plant in a large, deep saucer filled with gravel.

Tips for caring for a transplanted orchid

During the summer, water abundantly once a week. Make sure the roots are soaked in water and the saucer is full.

During the growing season, feed the plant once a week with a suitable liquid or powder fertilizer.

Keep the plant warm during the winter and only water it once a month. Mist a little water from time to time to ensure the plant is hydrated. Do not fertilize.Ezoic

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