How to grow avocado in pots? Step by step to have it at home

If you feel that your life needs a different and natural touch…

 If you feel like your life needs a different, natural touch, we recommend you start considering growing avocados in pots. While it may seem like an almost impossible feat to accomplish, the reality is that it’s much easier than you think. Put your  gardening  skills to work .

Furthermore, they will not need a large space or an immense garden for this little tree to begin bearing fruit, you will only have to concentrate and dedicate the time necessary to give the right care to this delicious fruit which is characterized by being an indispensable part of the  Mexican food  .

By growing an  avocado at home  you also contribute to ensuring that there is always an adequate amount of beta-sitosterol in your diet; This compound and other sterols help keep heart disease at bay by maintaining a healthy cholesterol level in the body.

Grow an avocado at home with these simple tips (2)

 It turns out that avocado is  n’t just delicious for making a dip; Among other things, it also helps maintain healthy bones thanks to the presence of vitamin K, it contains high levels of folic acid which help during pregnancy; the folate present in the fruit helps prevent the onset of depression.

How can I have an avocado at home?

To  grow avocados in pots,  simply remove the stone from the fruit and clean it. Next, place three toothpicks across the width of the bone and place it over a container with water; Make sure that half of the sphere is covered in the liquid of this creamy food.

In an average of four weeks the roots will begin to emerge, when they have an average size of 10 centimeters it will be time to remove the bone immersed in water. Remove the chopsticks and start preparing to create your  home garden.

Once you have planted it and have the right soil, with natural nutrients and fertilizers, you need to plant the seed. It should be as you did in the glass, half in and the other half out in the open. In just over five weeks after planting it, you will notice how the leaves begin to appear.

Grow an avocado at home with these simple tips (2)

 For best results, we recommend moving the plant closer to a place with good light, as this promotes its growth. The correct watering time is once or twice a week. With this you will make your  avocado cultivation  at home a success.

How to prepare the best soil for your avocado pot?

In order for the soil you use to be ideal, we recommend preparing your own substrate for the plants. Although yes, the process is quite slow and perhaps it could help you for future gardening projects.

Collect all the leaf litter in your yard and place it together in a black garbage bag; try to fill all the contents. Preferably the leaves should be wet and crushed.

Close the bag loosely and poke holes throughout the bag for better ventilation. Leave the bag in a shaded and dry place, the preparation will be ready after 6 months.

With information on Gardening, plants and flowers