How to germinate lemon seeds, the infallible tactic of every nurseryman revealed

Growing Plants from Lemon Seeds: A Simple Step-by-Step Guide

Let the lemons sprout

Growing plants from lemon seeds is not only possible but also surprisingly straightforward. While it requires some patience as the seeds develop into plants, the sense of accomplishment is well worth the effort. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to germinate lemon seeds and cultivate your own lemon plants.

Germinating Lemon Seeds: A Nurturing Journey

Many of us have childhood memories of attempting to grow seedlings from seeds found within fruits. Germinating lemon seeds, or those from any citrus fruit, is relatively easy. The primary requirement is a fresh lemon from which you can extract the seeds.

Start by cautiously cutting the lemon into two parts, ensuring not to damage the seeds concentrated in the middle of the fruit. To avoid seeds, cutting a quarter of the lemon is recommended. Squeeze both parts of the lemon into a bowl to extract juice and seeds. Once the larger part is juice-free, cut it open to retrieve the remaining seeds attached to the pulp. Use a sieve to separate the juice from the seeds and place the seeds on absorbent kitchen paper to air dry thoroughly. Ensure the dried seeds are firm. This initial step provides you with your lemon seeds, but there’s more to come.

Lemon seeds
Aluminum for the seeds

After three weeks, open the package to find sprouted lemon seeds. Now, it’s time to sow them. Prepare a pot with universal substrate, ensuring the soil is well-moistened until water drains from the pot’s drainage holes. Use a toothpick to create holes for your seeds and place the shoots inside, ensuring the roots are at the bottom and covering them well.

Once done, keep the pot indoors until leaves start to grow. Avoid direct sunlight, which could harm the shoots, but place the pot in a bright location near a window. In about a month, you’ll have small lemon plants, and you can decide whether to divide them into separate pots or let them grow together. Enjoy the journey of cultivating your own lemon plants from seeds!