How to eliminate skin blemishes, wrinkles and dark circles with sodium bicarbonate

Skin blemishes, wrinkles and dark circles are aesthetic problems that are as common as they are difficult to eliminate. They appear for various reasons, but above all due to bad habits such as high exposure to the sun or abuse of cosmetic products. In this article we will explain how to get rid of them with bicarbonate of soda.

The remedy, which consists of a do-it-yourself face mask, is completely natural and can be prepared at home, avoiding spending tens of euros on expensive creams. It is an excellent mask against skin blemishes, dark circles and wrinkles , whose main ingredient is sodium bicarbonate .

Ingredients: a teaspoon of baking soda, 200 ml of chamomile infusion (or hot water) and a couple of cotton balls.

The mask is very simple to prepare: pour a spoonful of sodium bicarbonate into the chamomile, and mix well until it dissolves completely. Once finished, soak the cotton ball and apply it under the eyes and in the areas affected by skin blemishes and wrinkles. Wait about 15 minutes.

Once finished, rinse with plenty of water, and apply a moisturizing cream that is natural and very non-aggressive. Apply the mask 2-3 times a week.