There is a fairly effective method of obtaining an early harvest of cucumbers: on average, 20-25 pieces from each bush. In the case of using this method, the cucumber harvest increases several times (compared to the classical cultivation method).
Next, sow the dried seeds of cucumbers in boxes, at the bottom of which put a layer of sand (for drainage) and on top of it add the substrate (50% garden soil and 50% humus). The boxes should be filled a little more than half (by 3-4 cm). Seeds are planted at a depth of 1-2 cm, leaving spaces of 3-4 cm between them. Then the crates are covered with glass and placed in a warm place for 3-4 days.
After the emergence of shoots, the glass is removed and the boxes are placed on a sunny windowsill.
As the seedlings grow, you must necessarily add soil, until the boxes are completely filled. Gradual watering of the soil is the first way to increase the root system of cucumbers.
If you look carefully at the stems of the seedlings, you will notice many berries on them – these are the future roots. They develop, if soil is added and turn into additional roots, increasing the root system of plants by almost 2 times, which means the plants become stronger.
The next operation consists in transplanting the seedlings into cardboard pots (or cardboard dairy product packages). This is achieved when the plants show 1-2 leaves. You need to cut the plant with everything that has substrate around it and transfer it to the pot (or package).
The pots, like the crates, are only partially filled with soil. It is added gradually, as the plants grow, until the pots are completely filled. This is the second enlargement of the root system.
After that, the seedlings are planted in the garden. First, a trench is dug with a width of 1 meter, a random length and a depth equal to the height of the spade (approximately 25 cm). Then a film “fence” is mounted on the edges of the trench and a 5-7 cm layer of humus is sprinkled on its bottom. Before planting, the soil in the trench should warm up for a week.
Planting seedlings: cut the pot or cardboard package and place the soil lump with the roots of the plant at the bottom of the trench (on the humus). Looking at the soil mass, you can see that it is literally penetrated by the roots – this is the main aspect of this method – repeated multiplication of the root system. After the plant is placed at the bottom of the trench, its roots are covered with soil combined with superphosphate (30-40 g per plant).
How can you grow cucumbers without chemicals?! Planting density of seedlings: 18-20 plants on a 4 m2 trench. Next, the edges of the trench (i.e. the sides of the plants) are sprinkled with an 8-10 cm layer of last year’s straw and weeds, which are covered with earth and watered. As it decomposes, this layer will release carbon dioxide, emit heat and provide nutrients to young plants. This will be the third enlargement of the root system (vertically).
After that, the plants take care of themselves as usual.
The advantages of this method:
-large and early harvest – up to 80-100 cucumbers per square meter;
-long growing season – 150-160 days compared to 95 days (usually);
Low water consumption for irrigation: humidity is maintained in the ditches for a long time.
Happy gardening!