How can you get large, healthy heads of garlic?!

If you follow a few simple rules, you will be able to grow large, healthy heads of garlic without too much trouble!

In early or mid-summer (depending on the region) garlic begins to form flower stalks (crumbs). Due to the fact that plants direct all their resources to the formation of seeds, garlic heads stop growing and their size remains unchanged until harvest time.

Therefore, if you cut off all the strips, the plants will again direct all their forces towards the growth of underground bulbs. As a result, they will reach their maximum size, depending on the variety of garlic.


-a gardening shears.


1.When should you remove chips? How long are they still twisted. If they straightened out and seed capsules appeared, it means that you are late and you can no longer change anything.

2. Using gardening shears (clean and decontaminated), cut strips from the garlic threads. Do not tear them by hand – this will tear off too large a piece of the wire and the breakage will allow pathogens and plant diseases to penetrate.

3. But it is necessary to leave stripes on a few threads of garlic (about 5 threads – located in different parts of the plot) so that you can determine the optimal harvesting period: garlic should be harvested, when the crumbs straighten and they flourish.

If you harvest garlic too early, you will get a smaller harvest.

If you harvest it too late, it will start to spoil.


1.Do the tips of garlic leaves turn yellow? Due to heat or excessive humidity (for example, excessive watering or frequent rainfall). In principle, this does not affect the crop and does not cause complete drying of the leaves. Simply strive to maintain moderate soil moisture.

2. Garlic does not like nitrogen fertilizers. They cause the growth of the vegetative mass to the detriment of the bulbs.

Happy gardening!