This time of year brings us closer to when plants start to wake up and show their best side. Looking at them daily, you will notice that some of them have brown and dry edges. Don’t panic: it’s more common than you think and the solution is very simple. You don’t need to hire an expert to fix it.
The first thing to know is that these symptoms are caused by a stressed plant. It may seem strange to you, but just like humans and animals, plants also suffer from stress. Not because of the tensions and frenetic pace of everyday life. In the plant world, it is more related to water, light or narrow roots.
With these precautions you will see those leaves turn green quickly and new shoots will appear as if by magic.
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1- Excessive watering
If water is very good for our plants, excessive watering is not at all to their liking. In truth, waterlogged roots are the beginning of decay. If this happens and the problem isn’t resolved by stopping watering, you should remove all soil from your plant and wrap it in paper until it dries. When you replace it, remember to place stones at the bottom to aid drainage and prevent this from happening again.
2- Dry plants
This is the opposite case to the one described above. The lack of water will be immediately noticeable as you will see the leaves drop and turn yellow. You should know that plants lose water through their leaves and absorb it through their roots, as if they were sucking in liquid and sending it into the air. The solution is to water as soon as possible and move the plant into the shade, covering it with a bag to prevent the water from continuing to evaporate through its leaves.×280&×280&correlator=7639889431608&frm=20&pv=1&ga_vid=2012646977.1697438679&ga_sid=1697623047&ga_hid=1854360922&ga_fc=1&u_tz=120&u_his=1&u_h=768&u_w=1366&u_ah=728&u_aw=1366&u_cd=24&u_sd=1&dmc=8&adx=309&ady=2383&biw=1349&bih=651&scr_x=0&scr_y=0&eid=44759926%2C44759837%2C44759875%2C31077327%2C31078701%2C31078830%2C42531706%2C44795921%2C44805113%2C44805534%2C44805681%2C44805919%2C44805932%2C31078297%2C44800658%2C31078663%2C31078665%2C31078668%2C31078670&oid=2&pvsid=484076379419664&tmod=2096590007&uas=0&nvt=1&!2&btvi=2&fsb=1&xpc=rETOI9jm4V&p=https%3A//
3- Narrow roots
The best strategy is to check under the pot to see if roots are protruding from the holes. This is a sign that it is damaged and needs to be replaced as soon as possible. Cut the dry tips first, leaving an edge so as not to endanger the plant again. Choose a large pot and fill it with soil and compost. It is important to add nutrients to the soil. Carefully harvest the plant when planting it and sprinkle it with a little water. Since transplanting dehydrates the plant, don’t forget this last step.
4- Research the needs of your system
Not all plants react the same way and do not necessarily have the same needs. Some like sun, some shade, some need much more watering than others, more or less fertile soil, etc.
We recommend that you make a list of the plants in your home and write a table where you will note all these parameters: watering, light, nutrients and size. Often a simple change of location is enough to prevent the leaves from drying out.
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5- Pay attention to the sun
Excess sun usually causes leaves to dry out, especially in midsummer. Remember, when you water, to do it on the ground and not on the leaves, because the water on them multiplies the heat and burns the edge of the leaves. Spray only the leaves in the case of tropical plants.
6- Rest in water
If you don’t have the ability to collect rainwater, you need to let the tap water sit for 48 hours. The chlorine that is usually added to drinking water evaporates and the scale present in hard water is deposited. You will notice a big difference with this trick. But don’t skip any steps, because each one counts in beautifying your plants!
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