Here’s how to have geraniums full of flowers: you have to water them like this to always have them thriving

Unlock the Secret to Abundant Geranium Blooms with Proper Watering


Discover the key to having geraniums brimming with vibrant flowers in no time! The secret lies in a unique watering technique that ensures your plants thrive and blossom abundantly. Give it a try and witness the transformation.

Nurturing Geraniums Naturally

Geraniums, renowned for their beautiful and lively flowers, captivate the eye and appeal to gardening enthusiasts. Flourishing in summer and resilient to high temperatures, these plants adorn not only gardens but also terraces and balconies with their vibrant blooms. They can even thrive indoors if placed in well-lit spaces away from direct heat sources. Common geraniums, ivy geraniums, Pelagonium, and regal geraniums are among the popular varieties, with the regal geranium being a favorite for novice gardeners.

Geraniums full of flowers

Caring for geraniums involves paying attention to crucial factors such as light and temperature. Adequate light is essential for their strength and health, though direct sunlight may harm the flowers. Optimal placement involves partial shade to allow sunlight without overpowering the plants. For those without outdoor spaces, positioning geraniums near well-lit windows is a viable alternative.

Balancing light and shade is crucial, as both extremes can hinder the flowering process. Additionally, geraniums resist temperatures up to 30 degrees Celsius but dislike the cold, necessitating protection with anti-freeze measures in winter.

Revolutionary Watering Technique for Flourishing Plants

Geraniums are known for their resilience and minimal care requirements. Flourishing in high temperatures but succumbing to the cold, these plants can present a spectacular display of flowers. However, ensuring their successful flowering process can be challenging, often attributed to inadequate watering.


The revolutionary watering technique presented here can be a game-changer for your geraniums. These plants thrive when the soil remains consistently moist. In high temperatures, watering two to three times a day is recommended, preferably during early morning, mid-afternoon, and after sunset. Winter care involves occasional watering, with constant monitoring to prevent soil from drying out.

Choosing the right water is crucial; water rich in calcium is unsuitable for geraniums’ flowering. An easy solution involves letting water stand in a watering can overnight with a layer of mud at the bottom, regulating the water’s pH for optimal plant growth.

Caution against water stagnation is vital, as it can lead to root rot and hinder flowering. Avoid watering the leaves to prevent the development of fungi or mold. Following these guidelines ensures your geraniums will bloom spectacularly in no time.

Remember, proper lighting is equally essential. Geraniums thrive in well-lit environments but should not be exposed to excessive sunlight. Experts recommend positioning them towards the South or South-East for optimal growth. Choosing the right-sized pot is also crucial, with a diameter and depth of 20cm recommended for ideal root growth.

For larger geraniums, consider pots with a diameter of 40cm, and always use gravel at the pot’s bottom to prevent wind-induced toppling. While geraniums adapt well to various soils, they thrive in clayey soils. Repotting in late winter or early spring, following root cleaning, is recommended to ensure continuous flowering. With these guidelines in mind, your geraniums are sure to flourish and provide a breathtaking display.