Grow a lemon in a cup to scent the whole house

The plants we keep in our homes are generally effective at decorating spaces and purifying the air. We usually select plants based on color, type and size. Another crucial factor is undoubtedly the scent.

Lemon is an exceptional fruit that is rich in vitamins and has powerful health benefits. In this article we explain how to germinate lemon seeds in a cup to have a plant that decorates and perfumes your entire home.

Lemon seeds

Lemon seeds – Source: spm

To start, you’ll need lemon seeds, and you have two options:
you can take the seeds from the nearest lemon you use in your kitchen, or you can buy them. If you choose the first option, soak it for a while to remove the skin covering it.

Then you need a cup with about 250-300 ml. Fill it with soil and plant the lemon seeds 2-3 centimeters deep.

The lemon seed takes about 7 days to germinate, then the growth of the plant slows down and also depends on care.

Growing lemon cups

Growing a lemon in a cup – Source: spm

How to Care for a Lemon Plant
Lemon, like all citrus fruits, requires special care. Below we offer special care to keep it indoors.

Make sure the soil is permeable and well ventilated. The lemon needs a lot of water, so the soil must be able to absorb it.

Lemon tree at home

Lemon tree at home – source: spm

The lemon tree is very sensitive to cold, but this is not a problem since you keep it indoors. The ideal temperature for lemon plants is between 15 and 25 degrees.

The water
humidity is another very important factor. Lemon trees require plenty of water, which should be watered slowly to avoid stagnation. Always keep the soil moist.