Get unlimited mandarins from just one fruit. I’ll even share with the neighbors

Tangerines are a type of citrus fruit that people love for their sweet and sour tastes that go well together. Not only are these fruits tasty, but they are also good for you, especially since they have a lot of vitamin C and antioxidants. Growing a mandarin tree at home is a simple and doable choice for people who want to enjoy organic mandarins, even if they haven’t done much gardening before. This guide will show you how to grow tangerines at home so that you always have fresh fruit that is free of pesticides.

It’s important to know the difference between clementines and mandarins. When a mandarin and a sweet orange are crossed, they make clementines. When compared to clementines, mandarins are much sweeter and have more seeds. They are also the least acidic of all citrus fruits.

  • Pick out the seeds of an organic orange and make sure they are clean.
    Put the seeds on a damp cotton pad and put the pad in a glass. This will help the seeds sprout.

2. Getting the pot ready

  • Pick a pot with holes in the bottom for draining, and then put stones in the bottom.
  • Adding a layer of sand will help the air flow.
  • For the gardening soil, mix peat moss, perlite, and fertilizer together. If you want, you can add humus to make it better.
  • Wet the ground but don’t make it wet.

3. Putting the Seeds Down

  • Once the seeds start to grow, put them gently in the ready soil and lightly cover them.
  • Putting clear plastic film over the pot will keep it warm and wet, which will help the seeds germinate.
  • Place the pot somewhere warm and bright, but not in full sunlight.
  • Don’t water too much; just water when the dirt starts to dry out.
  • Once shoots start to show, take off the film and keep the pot in part-shade at about 20°C.

How to Take Care of Your Mandarin Tree to Get Good Fruits

  • Water the tree often so that the dirt stays moist.
  • From March to September, use a slow-release fertilizer on wet soil to feed plants.
  • If the leaves hang down, it means the plant needs more water.
  • When young plants get to be about 10 to 15 cm tall, move them to a bigger pot with clay balls to help the soil drain and a mix of sand, compost, and yard soil.
  • Cut back the tree when it flowers to give the fruits more light.
  • Stop bugs like mealybugs, aphids, and whiteflies from getting in.
  • When the tree is at least 30 cm tall, you might want to move it to the ground, but make sure it stays safe from cold weather, especially in the winter.

If you follow these steps, you should be able to grow tangerines at home. They will smell great and give you an endless supply of healthy fruit.