Freeze peas in plastic bottles!

Today we will introduce you to how we freeze peas for the winter. And how do you preserve it? If you haven’t found the right method yet, try freezing it in plastic bottles – this way you won’t have to buy expensive vegetables during the cold season.


-fresh peas;

-plastic bottles with wide mouths.


1.Peel the peas, removing the beans from the pods.

2. Then transfer it into plastic bottles, with wide mouths, which must be clean and dry. We used a 1 liter bottle.

3.Cover the bottles with their lids and place them in the freezer.

4. Peas frozen in this way can be easily removed from bottles. It does not cover itself with ice and its grains do not stick together. Therefore, you can remove the necessary amount from the bottles and then put them back in the freezer.

5. Frozen peas can be added to any dish: soups, stews, puddings. It is delicious and in winter it will remind you of the flavors of summer.

We froze 4 kg of peas in 3 1 liter bottles. This amount is enough for the entire cold season (in our case)!

Good work!