Fertilize your plants naturally: a kitchen ingredient makes them grow quickly

To give your green plants a long and happy life, you need to provide them with the best nutrients possible. If you’re looking for a natural fertilizer for your plants, check out these easy-to-implement tips to provide them with optimal nutrition.

How to make brewer’s yeast a natural fertilizer for your plants?

To enjoy their flowers, vegetables or fruits, plants must be properly nourished. You can make an effective ecological fertilizer from leftovers from a meal or from products you use every day.

Why use brewer’s yeast as a plant fertilizer?

keep the brewer's yeast
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Keeping brewer’s yeast – Source: spm

Did you know that yeast is a  natural fertilizer  for your plants? It contains a variety of essential nutrients, such as nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, which help increase nutrient content and improve soil structure.

In addition to these key benefits, it contains enzymes that break down organic matter in the soil, helping to improve its fertility. Using yeast encourages the formation of beneficial microorganisms in the soil, such as compost bacteria, which helps improve the health of your plants.

Never forget that plants need micronutrients such as iron, manganese, copper, zinc, boron, molybdenum and chlorine for their growth. Although these nutrients are needed in much smaller quantities than key nutrients, they are still important to their health. Plants obtain these nutrients from the soil, water and surrounding air.

By using yeast as a natural fertilizer, you will provide your plants with the nutrients they need to be healthy and thrive. So next time you’re looking for a natural way to help your plants grow, consider yeast!

How to use yeast on plants?

The yeast dissolves in water, which must be neither cold nor hot, but lukewarm. If you opt for dry brewer’s yeast, just pour it into a bowl of warm water and add a little sugar.
The desired effect occurs when the yeast accelerates its fermentation with sugar. After mixing it, let it sit for a while until it becomes foamy.
After that, the yeast will be ready to be diluted with water and turned into an excellent fertilizer for houseplants.
This fertilizer can be used for:  tomatoes , peppers, cucumbers and all other plants because the vitamin B it provides is very important. Once the yeast has swollen, it will be mixed again to encourage better growth of the bacteria.
However, keep in mind that brewer’s yeast tends to add more calcium to the soil.

You can also add powdered eggshells to the yeast. The mixture will be sprinkled around the plant, covered with soil and finally watered by diluting the brewer’s yeast at a rate of 10 grams per 10 liters of water.
With this treatment to be carried out 3 times a year, the seedlings will grow and have stronger roots, providing larger fruits.
It is important to note that excessive use of yeast as a fertilizer can cause nutritional imbalances in the soil and harm plants, which is why it must be combined with eggshell powder.

Other tips for preparing a natural and effective fertilizer for your plants

Increase flowering naturally with coffee grounds

Coffee grounds  are an excellent free and available fertilizer, they provide a large amount of nitrogen and contain the other two main plant elements, phosphorus and potassium. It is also composed of micronutrients such as magnesium, copper, calcium, zinc, manganese and iron.
Don’t put coffee grounds directly into the soil, as some plants (especially tomatoes) don’t respond well to this. It is best added thinly, sprinkled on the surface or in combination with other mulches. Coffee grounds are slightly acidic, with a pH between 6.5 and 6.8, which is ideal for most vegetables.
Most of the acidity is lost in the coffee itself during brewing, so there’s no need to worry about the coffee grounds being too acidic.

Natural calcium for plants: eggshells

Eggshells  are a rich source of calcium, as well as other trace elements such as magnesium.
Clean them well with water, then sterilize them on low heat in the oven for a few minutes or in the microwave at maximum power for at least 10 seconds.
After that, crush them, or better yet, grind them into a fine powder.
Powdered eggshell is especially useful in growing flowers, vegetables and fruits.

Natural fertilizer for green plants with banana peels

Banana peel on a plate
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Banana peel on plate – Source: spm

Banana peel   contains a significant amount of potassium. You can prepare a fertilizer in several ways. The simplest way is to dry the peels of some bananas and cut them into small pieces to speed up their decomposition so you can place them under the plant.

You can also bury the fresh peel of some bananas directly into the ground. Organic banana fertilizer particularly strengthens flowering plants and also repels aphids.