The bathroom is one of the rooms in the house that requires particular maintenance. A urine odor may emanate from this place and may persist even after thorough cleaning. Fortunately, there are some tricks to eliminate this unpleasant odor and leave the toilet smelling good. We’ll give you some!
Considered as a “living room”, the bathroom is undoubtedly the place where we most need to feel comfortable and relaxed, especially when we take a shower or bath. This comfort is, however, subject to absolute hygienic conditions. It starts with proper toilet maintenance to eliminate the smell of urine and leave a pleasant scent.
How to eliminate urine smell in bathroom?
A smelly bathroom is probably a sign of poor hygiene in your home. Don’t let this odor disturb your comfort or that of your guests by starting with a good toilet and floor cleaning. Other effective tricks can be implemented to avoid such a situation.
– Clean the bathroom with baking soda
The first reflex to eliminate bad odors from toilets is to clean the bathroom from top to bottom. To remove urine odor, baking soda is your best ally. Sprinkle the toilet, the surface, the internal walls as well as the floor then leave for a few minutes before rinsing.
– Use white vinegar in the bathroom
The acetic acid contained in white vinegar not only cleans the bathroom floor, walls, toilets but also neutralizes odors and traces of urine that may remain. Simply mix a tablespoon of this product in a liter of hot water before spraying the liquid on the walls of the toilet and then on the area that smells like urine. Leave to rest for fifteen minutes before wiping with a damp microfibre cloth.
– Place a potted plant in the bathroom
Potted plants are generally used to add a decorative touch to the interior of the home. They also have an important function which is to purify the air by absorbing some pollutants. Placing a plant such as bamboo palm, geranium or spider plant in your bathroom is therefore an effective way to eliminate urine odors by improving air circulation within the room.