Don’t throw it away again, it’s worth gold for plants: they will grow for many years

An  ingredient  that  should never be  thrown away again   . It is the  gold of indoor  and garden   plants  : growth  guaranteed  for  many years.

There are ingredients that can be used as natural fertilizers. Some of these are simply the shells that are thrown away when wet. In a  world  where  waste is  commonplace  and the  environment  needs  help  ,  why not  use  these ingredients  as  fertilizer  for plants  ? Consumed  especially  in  summer  , it is  always  an  excellent  ally  of the  Italian table  .

Natural ingredient worth its weight in gold for plants: how to create a natural fertilizer

Plant fertilizers are in most cases created with waste ingredients from fruits and vegetables. Not only that, there are also other ingredients to use, such as coffee grounds, without throwing them away.

The ingredients of this excellent natural fertilizer are:

  • melon peel;
  • Waterfall

Melon peel is an   excellent natural element   rich in water, vitamins and natural mineral salts. All factors that contribute to making garden and house plants more beautiful and strong.

First you eat the pulp, and then instead of   throwing away the peel,   you cut it into many small pieces. Place it in a container and then pour some water. Cover with a plate and leave to macerate inside for a day.