Baking soda is such a versatile product that it’s also useful for gardening! You already know that it can be used for skin care like scrubs and facial masks, to clean and disinfect the homeā¦ And today you will find out how to use it in plant care! Use it correctly, and you will avoid any chemical and harmful products, both for your health and that of your garden! Curious? To start!
1. Gardening and baking soda: Clean old pots, jars and reuse them
With impeccable mixing, you can effortlessly remove old labels from the jars you have decided to reuse! Just add a tablespoon of extra virgin olive oil and a teaspoon of baking soda , mix a little to mix and rub on the labels: the containers will be spotless and completely degreased! If you want to clean old pots, add a tablespoon of cornstarch, baking soda and citric acid (the juice of half a lemon!). Carefully pass the mixture over the surfaces, then rinse them with water.
2. Perfume the atmosphere
Fill an empty, well-cleaned spray bottle with water and add 2 tablespoons of baking soda to deodorize smelly objects or corners (such as manholes, wheelbarrows, buckets, etc. )
3. Gardening and Baking Soda to Clean Dirty Clothes
Often, while gardening, you get your clothes dirty with dirt and water. Before washing, mix 1 teaspoon of baking soda with 2 teaspoons of water and spread the mixture directly on the notches. Let sit for a maximum of 5 minutes and proceed as usual!
4. Eliminate lice or mold
If your plants are covered in aphids, simply mix 1 liter of water with 2 teaspoons of baking soda , put the mixture into a spray and use it directly on the plant! You can use the same mixture if mold is present, but don’t forget to spray it every 10 days!
5. Gardening and Baking Soda: Get Rid of Ants
2 simple ingredients to keep ants away from your garden! Mix a teaspoon of baking soda with 2 of sugar and pour a little product around the anthill.
6. Remove a painful splinter
Splinters can be really painful and difficult to remove. To prevent further pain, cover the affected area with baking soda, bandage it and leave it on for up to 4 hours.
7. Gardening and Baking Soda: Weed Growth
If the walls of your house or garden are full of weeds, cover them with baking soda: this can prevent them from growing back.