There are months of the year in which hair falls out more frequently. They become weaker, the tips break and fall off. To prevent this phenomenon, it is possible to rely on natural remedies that can strengthen the hair and stimulate its regrowth.
The remedy we suggest below is one of these. It is prepared starting from a base which consists of a shampoo with a neutral pH, the one usually used for very young children.
A few drops of rosemary essential oil are added to it , very effective for reactivating blood circulation, strengthening the hair. You can add a few drops of lemon essential oil to enhance its antiseptic properties.
Finally, you need to pour the contents of two vitamin E capsules into the shampoo . It can be purchased in herbalists and pharmacies, and is an excellent remedy for hair loss.
Mix the remedy well, and use it to wash your hair, massaging for about 10 minutes, and then waiting an additional 10 minutes before rinsing with warm water.