A gardener friend gave me the trick to keeping my orchid healthy

Surprising, incomparable, recognizable among a thousand. We are obviously talking about these fabulous orchids with sumptuous shades ranging from yellow to pink, passing through immaculate white, purple and speckled petals. We love them so much that they happily adorn our balconies and terraces. Only problem: they are demanding and difficult to maintain. All you have to do is turn your back and, without warning, these pretty flowers will wither before their time. Oh, what a pang in my heart at these wrinkled leaves and these afflicted roots! Don’t panic, we will guide you to take care of it like a true professional!

What are the symptoms of diseased orchids?

dried orchid roots

Like all flowers, your  orchids  are not immune to fungi, pests and diseases. Unless you keep them in tip-top shape and stay behind them at all times, you won’t be able to spare them any inconvenience. Fortunately, if you watch them closely, you can observe the most common and visible signs that they are sick or even dying. Take note !

– Yellow or brown leaves:  If you take a closer look at your orchid, if you notice that some leaves are starting to turn yellow or brown (or even if they fall off easily), then bad news, its condition is not the best. Either he is the victim of an illness, or his maintenance leaves something to be desired. Maybe there is no water or electricity? In this case, you can probably fix it before it’s too late.

– Wilted flowers:  If your orchid looks wilted, wrinkled or unhealthy, this is also a red flag to consider. It’s probably an illness or a severe nutrient deficiency. If so, you need to give him what he needs to survive!

– Rotten roots:  Are these his roots that seem to be decaying? This type of degradation can result from serious illness, yes, but also from a lack of adequate drainage.

– Poor growth activity:  Likewise, if your plant is not growing properly or blooms too slowly, it can be a sign of disease. But it could also demonstrate that he is not receiving enough adequate care.

  if you have the slightest doubt, it is important to try to quickly identify the cause of the problem to save your orchid in extremis. Remember that many diseases result from an invasion of parasites, lack of adequate nutrients, or poor maintenance.

How to cure a sick orchid with baking soda?

As you probably already know, climate also has a role to play. For example, low temperatures can easily damage leaves and even roots – so if these natural ravages are coupled with a lack of nutrients and poor care, it shouldn’t be surprising if your orchids suffer in silence. And don’t think that just increasing watering will solve all problems. On the contrary, it could also be the abundance of water that probably caused the underlying part of the  plant to rot. . But we won’t blame you any more. You are already sick at heart to see your flowers in this sorry state. Rest assured, making mistakes is human and there may be a way to make up for it with this very popular ingredient. It’s baking soda. Yes, this natural product is so versatile that it always surprises us with the range of its beneficial properties. Along with its culinary and cleaning properties, it can also help get your orchids back on track.

But before applying it, make sure to gently remove all  damaged roots and wrinkled leaves on the surface. Yes, it makes you sad, but unfortunately they are already “dead”, you absolutely must remove them to allow your plant to regain health. Immediately afterwards, you need to dissolve a teaspoon of sodium bicarbonate in a liter of water. It is this solution that you will need to spray on all remaining leaves. Furthermore, treasure this liquid, you will also use it to water the roots regularly so that they come back to life. Be careful though: this mixture should not be applied in the presence of the first flowers, as this could harm their growth. Finally, remember, frequent watering is one of the key factors in keeping an orchid healthy and thriving. You don’t need too much, of course!

Should You Trim the Roots of an Orchid?

Cut the roots of the orchid

So, let’s be clear: if the orchid has lost its flowers, you still need to continue taking care of it as you did before. Because, even if it no longer blooms, it is important to continue fertilizing it, watering it and giving it all the care it needs (suitable place with indirect light and constant temperature). If your orchid bloomed once a year, you may have to wait a while for it to bloom again.

On the other hand, you actually have to cut the branch or stem once it finishes flowering. This will help the plant focus more on its growth, but also prevent rot and other damage. How to make a perfect size? Use scissors or a sharp knife. Carefully cut below the root. And that’s all, very simply!