7 Helpful (But Little-Known) Uses for Baking Soda in Plants

Baking soda is more popular than ever, we always hear about the magical benefits of using it for different things. This time we will share the uses of baking soda in plants, just as you have read, it works in our garden too.

This substance is present in nature, has a white crystalline appearance and is characterized by having an alkaline PH. It is good, beautiful and economical, with the advantage of being biodegradable and not polluting the planet. I’m not sure it will be a panacea, but it’s very close.

And if we add that it keeps your plant parasites at bay, I will no longer need to convince you of this wonder. On this occasion I want to share with you different uses of this ingredient that will facilitate the care of your plants, whether you have them in pots or in the ground.

1- Fungicide

Baking soda is a natural fungicide, it is often used in combination to increase its potency. Mix 4 teaspoons of baking soda in 3 liters of water and spray the leaves that have fungus or the places most prone to them. Baking soda helps plants become less acidic and prevents fungal growth  . Choose the end of the afternoon to carry out the task and keep in mind that it is not raining, as it would wash away our fungicide.

2- Parasites

Here the dosage is slightly modified. You should mix one tablespoon of baking soda in 1 liter of water. Spray or dust the surface of the support. Repeat this every week and your plants will get rid of pests and grow beautifully.

3- Pesticide

With this product you can put an end to a large number of insects and pests that attack your plants and garden. The formula is simple, mix a tablespoon of baking soda in a liter of water and add another tablespoon of biodegradable soap. This synergy keeps ants and insects under control which, together with soap, create an excellent natural repellent. Spray both on the plant and the soil for effective results.

4- Strengthening

If we mix baking soda with vinegar, it will cause an increase in the speed of photosynthesis, which means that the plant will increase its number of leaves and become stronger  . Suddenly you will see that your plants look impressive and healthy. It’s always a good idea to test on a couple of leaves, leaving it to rest for 24 hours. If nothing happens, then calmly spray the entire plant. They are like us, the essence is the same but we are different.

5- Eliminate the crabgrass

Once you have crabgrass in your home it is very difficult to eradicate it, it is one of those plants that are called invasive. A solution to this problem is to wet the area where the grass is, sprinkling it with bicarbonate, being very careful not to do this on the rest of the grass. Start enjoying your bare feet on the grass and those late afternoon walks.

6- Sweeten the tomatoes

Sprinkle a small amount of baking soda around the soil where your tomato plants are located. This way you will lower the acidity of the soil and consequently your tomatoes will be tasty and with a sweet touch. Remember that the baking soda must not touch the plant, you just need to change the acidity of the soil.

7- Natural detergent

The vegetables we usually buy at the supermarket are usually covered in chemical repellents and insecticides. One way to clean vegetables is with the magical baking soda  . Fill your basin with water and add a spoonful of bicarbonate, once dispersed, introduce the vegetables, leaving them to rest for a few minutes. Scrub the vegetables and rinse with clean water. This extra hygiene makes it an essential product in your kitchen.