The Jade tree is one of the most appreciated and widespread succulent plants in the world. It can be placed in the garden, on the balcony, or inside the house and, like all succulents, it does not need much care.
Originally from South Africa, the Jade tree is today marketed all over the world, being easy to reproduce and grow. This plant is also associated with good energy and wealth.
Originally from South Africa, the Jade tree is today marketed all over the world, being easy to reproduce and grow. This plant is also associated with good energy and wealth.
Below we list the care needed to make the Jade tree last for years .
The ideal place for the Jade tree is near a window or in the open air. To help it survive, it is important not to leave it exposed to direct sunlight, especially during the hottest hours of the day.
The Jade tree needs little water. Being a succulent plant, it can store water inside its leaves and branches.
You can water using a spray bottle. During the cold months you can water every 15 days, while during the summer once a week.
The Jade tree needs porous soil with great drainage capacity, to avoid water stagnation.
This type of soil must be enriched with earthworm humus, stones and perlite. It is important to fertilize 2 times a year, in spring and summer.
Pruning the Jade tree must be frequent so that the plant can grow healthy and strong. Use disinfected scissors to take cuttings and reproduce the plant.
To reproduce a Jade tree, simply cut a branch and place it directly in the soil. It will generate roots and, consequently, a new plant.