If you love plants but don’t have the time or ability to source and work with potting soil, we’re sure you’ll like to know which plants can be grown in simple pots filled with water .
Sometimes, partly for lack of space, partly for lack of time, we give up on having plants in our homes. Growing plants in pots filled with water minimizes the care needed for them to grow healthily and vigorously
Below we list 19 plants that can be grown in water , then we’ll tell you how to make them last for years.
- Pothos ( Epipremnus )
- Lucky bamboo ( Dracaena sanderiana )
- Avocado (must be planted from seed)
- Basil
- Chlorophytum ( Chlorophytum comosum )
- Bégonia
- Syngonium
- Anthurium
- Jade tree ( Crassula ovata )
- Aloe vera
- Zebrin Pendulum
- Hemionitis arifolia
- Common ivy
- Lavender
- Monstere
- Corner plant ( Pilea peperomioides )
- Drone Philoden
- Sage
- Spathiphyllum
How to Grow Houseplants in Water: Root Method
If you’re starting with a whole plant, the first thing to do is remove as much soil as possible from the roots. Place the plant under warm running water and wash the roots.
Don’t worry if you can’t remove all the topsoil – just change the water frequently for the first few days.
Cultivation with cuttings
Get a clean, sharp knife, room temperature water, and a glass container. Take cuttings about 5 to 6 inches long from your parent plant. Do this just under a node (point on the stem where leaves grow from) and be sure to disinfect the knife.
Fill the glass jar with room temperature water, leaving a few inches of space. Insert the cutting into the pot, making sure the nodes are completely submerged in water.
Place the pot in a location with plenty of indirect light and avoid sudden temperature changes and direct sunlight. Wait for roots to form.
How to Fertilize Water Grown Plants
The main function of soil is to provide our plants with all the nutrients they need. When growing plants in water, the main problem is precisely that of providing the plant with the necessary nutrients.
You can use liquid fertilizer diluted in water every 1 to 2 months. If you have an aquarium at home, you can use the water to give your plant many of the nutrients it needs.