17 plants you can keep in pots filled with water

Who doesn’t like having a house full of plants? In addition to purifying the air and relaxing the environment, plants give our home an aesthetic touch. But if you don’t have a balcony or a garden, the choice of plants you can keep at home is significantly reduced.

In this article we suggest some plants that you can keep in pots filled with water and which will last a long time. Obviously, the plants will not need soil or watering.

This technique is called hydroculture and can be applied to many different plants. Below we explain, in general, how to do it.

The first step consists in removing the plant from the pot, being very careful not to damage the roots.

Place the plant in a container filled with water at room temperature overnight. Then rinse the root with plenty of water to remove traces of soil.

Place some clay in the glass container, then place the plant, add some water and a liquid fertilizer, so that the root can absorb all the nutrients.

17 plants that can be kept in water

  • Zebrina . This well-known houseplant is very decorative and can grow perfectly in water.
  • Papyrus . The ancient Egyptians used it as a writing surface, but today this plant is mostly grown for ornamental purposes. It can be kept in water.
  • Potus . A tropical plant that is also one of the most common houseplants. It adapts perfectly to being grown in water: just put a sprig in a vase full of water and wait for it to grow roots.
  • Spathiphyllum . This plant can be grown in water and produce stunning green leaves and beautiful white flowers.
  • Aglaonema . Widespread houseplant, it can survive perfectly in water.
  • Sage . An aromatic plant widely used in cooking, very rich in therapeutic properties and which can easily be kept in water.
  • Dracaena . This plant is associated with the ability to bring money and luck. In most cases, it is marketed right in jars of water.
  • Water hyacinth . This aquatic plant has very long black roots and has no stem.
  • Philodendron . It has very large leaves and is mainly used to decorate offices and apartments. It can grow in water and does not need special care.
  • Basil . Strange as it may seem, basil can also be grown in water.
  • Ivy . There are many varieties, but those that are best suited to hydroculture are those with small leaves. Cut about 20cm of stem and immerse half of it in water. After a few days it will begin to produce roots.
  • Pilea . A very resistant plant, which adapts to many different environments, including hydroculture.
  • Falagio . This very common houseplant can be grown in water. Cut a leaf with its stem and immerse it in a jar full of water. After a few weeks it will begin to produce roots.
  • Swedish ivy . It can reach 50 cm in height, has fibrous roots and its leaves are succulent. This plant grows easily in water.
  • Sweet potato . This plant is very decorative. Simply place a piece of sweet potato in a vase of water and wait for it to produce its first leaves.
  • Tulips . Although they are difficult to manage indoors, they too can be grown and flowered in water.
  • Rosemary . This very useful aromatic plant can also be kept in water, following the instructions described above.