11 Secrets You Don’t Know About Garlic

Garlic is a key ingredient in European cooking, known for its strong and spicy flavor that makes food taste delicious. While some people may be put off by its strong smell, overlooking garlic would mean missing out on its numerous health benefits.

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Did you know that garlic has many more uses beyond the kitchen? Here are 11 extraordinary ways to use garlic that you probably didn’t know about:

1. Better Sleep with Garlic

Putting a garlic clove under your pillow at night can help you sleep better. The sulfur compounds in garlic, responsible for its distinctive aroma, have a calming effect on the body and can fight sleeplessness.

2. Natural Cold Treatment

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Garlic has been used as a natural antibiotic for centuries. If you have a cold, try boiling water with a chopped clove of garlic, then straining it and adding sugar. Drink this concoction every day for a week to help alleviate cold symptoms.

3. Garlic as an Aphrodisiac

Contrary to popular belief, garlic is actually a potent aphrodisiac. For the best effects, consider using garlic extracts.

4. Acne Fighter

Garlic possesses powerful antibacterial and antibiotic properties, making it an effective treatment for acne. Before going to bed, simply place a garlic clove on the affected area to reduce inflammation.

5. Natural Antiseptic

While it’s not a substitute for proper medical care, a peeled garlic clove can be used as a natural antiseptic to clean small cuts and promote healing.

6. Say Goodbye to Hair Loss

Allicin, a compound found in garlic, can help prevent hair loss. Apply sliced garlic directly to your hair or create a mixture of crushed garlic and olive oil to promote healthier hair growth.

7. Splinter Removal

To remove splinters, place a small piece of garlic on top of the affected area and cover it with a bandage overnight. The properties of garlic will help draw out the splinter.

8. Keep Mosquitoes at Bay

Garlic is a natural mosquito repellent. Create a spray by mixing petroleum jelly, beeswax, and garlic essential oil together, or simply strategically place cloves in areas where mosquitoes tend to gather.

9. Cold Sore Relief

Crushed garlic can provide relief for cold sores by reducing swelling and promoting faster healing. Including extra garlic in your diet can also aid in the healing process.

10. Soothe Toothaches

For quick relief from toothaches, mix crushed garlic with salt and apply it directly to the affected tooth. Alternatively, you can also bite into a garlic clove.

11. Miscellaneous Garlic Uses

Garlic has an array of other uses as well, such as adding flavor to dishes, marinades, or creating homemade garlic bread.

Garlic is truly a versatile ingredient with amazing health benefits. So the next time you cook with garlic, remember that it does so much more than just make your food taste better.