1 year of laundry detergent for less than 10 euros: 2 ingredients are enough

Do-it-yourself laundry is a great idea to save money and think about the environment. Let’s see how to prepare it for a year. 

Making your own homemade laundry detergent will allow you to only spend around ten euros for a year’s worth of washing machines.

Homemade laundry detergent: benefits

In addition to being purchased at the supermarket, detergent can also be made at home, with considerable savings. Doing your own laundry will also allow you to  respect the environment and the health  of the people we care about. Very often, in fact, detergents sold in supermarkets contain surfactants or chemical substances which, in the long run, can have harmful effects on the body.

Not to mention the dangerous effects on the environment. In addition, homemade laundry detergent is hypoallergenic and does not contain preservatives.

It has been shown that French families, for example,  do an average of 5 machine washes per week  , for a total of 220 washes in a year. During these washes, 26 liters of liquid detergent and 40 kilos of powder are used.


At home, you can make all the detergents, even the one to wash your laundry in the machine. Let’s see how to produce it  for a year’s worth of laundry, using just two ingredients and spending less than ten euros (around 0.35 cents per liter).

Manufacturing process

The ingredients needed to prepare the liquid laundry detergent you will need for a year’s worth of laundry are:

  • Marseille soap flakes  , 60 grams (average cost, approximately 0.40 cents)
  • sodium percarbonate  , 15 grams (average cost 0.15 cents)
  • bicarbonate  , 30 grams, (average cost 0.10 cents)
  • essential oil  , a few drops (about 0.05 cents).
  • 1 liter of hot water
  • 1 liter of cold water

First you need to heat a liter of water. Inside, the Marseille soap flakes must be incorporated. The fries should be well mixed.

Once the fire is out, pour in the percarbonate of soda then the bicarbonate. Then you can proceed to mix everything using a blender. The goal is to make the mixture as homogeneous as possible.

Then the mixture should be cooled and allowed to sit for about a full day. At this point the detergent should have become very compacted, but this is normal. The next step is to mix everything  by adding a liter of cold water  . Once again, the goal is to make the mixture homogeneous and smooth.

You will need pots, those of classic liquid detergents previously rinsed and dried are fine but also simple plastic bottles. If you prefer, you can choose a glass jar. A few drops of essential oil of your choice should be added to the detergent. It will be used to perfume the linen. Lavender and lemon are an example.

For a low cost, you will obtain  a liquid detergent capable of whitening, disinfecting and removing stains from your laundry. These properties are given to it by bicarbonate which is a natural and biodegradable product. Additionally, it can also act as a fabric softener and deodorant.

Sodium percarbonate, on the other hand, disinfects and stains. Marseille soap, for its part, is a biodegradable and anti-allergic product that cleans gently.